美粉画家Ellen Eagle《粉画工作室》


Ellen Eagle 《Pastel Painting Atelier》书刊封面


    Ellen Eagle :女,美国画家,出生于纽约,自幼学习美术,擅长粉画,长期从事美术教学并创立多个美术工作室。 她参加过包括The National Academy Museum,Frye Art Museum,Butler Institute of American Art在内的多次画展。其作品具有很高的知名度,被广泛刊登在美国、法国、英国的各大艺术杂志中,同时也被收录在纽约Forum Gallery美术馆中。代表作有《Mei-Chiao with Blue Ribbon》、《Dried flowers》、《The Elements of Portraiture》等。


    2013年,Ellen最新个人书籍《Pastel Painting Atelier 》(《粉画工作室》)出版。这是一本兼具个人色彩和教育色彩的专业书籍,它从最基本的粉画艺术说起,详细向读者介绍关于粉画的发展历程、基本绘画方式以及创作过程中的心得体会。在书中,Ellen不仅表达自己对于粉画的热爱和对粉画创作的独特见解,同时还表现出对每一位艺术家独特创作方式和不同审美的尊重。全文近200页,内容充实,深入浅出,值得一读。



I introduce and discuss with the reader basic materials such as pastel sticks and papers; advanced studio practice such as creating one’s own support.  I share my working process- how I apply pastel and, in particular, the perception of color, which is so profoundly important to artists of all painting mediums; identifying problems that appear as a painting develops; and making corrections. My students in classes and workshops often raise insightful questions, and I include several of those questions in my book. The reader  is invited to look over my shoulder as I create six pastel paintings, both portrait and still life. The book closes with a guide to important public pastel collections throughout the world.  
From the opening page to the final, the book is written from my heart, always with love for pastel, and respect for every artist’s personal journey into their work.